DPIS – Dynamic Passenger Information System - Ledatel
Key information for passengers at key points of the infrastructure. The message is searching for the passenger, not vice versa.
The DPIS Dynamic Passenger Information System is managed from the Central CDPIS System of the National Railway Infrastructure Operator PKP PLK S.A. The developed DPIS elements meet all the strict requirements of PKP PLK contained in the internal Ipi-6 instruction. They are designed to operate continuously all year round, in a demanding industrial environment, both indoor and outdoor (at temperatures ranging from -40°C to +50°C). The quality and reliability of these devices is confirmed by a standard manufacturer’s guarantee of 5 years.

Tunnel Display WT-TFT32
Installed at tunnel exits near platforms. Used to display information about the next train departing from the assigned track.
Interactive Station kiosk IK-TFT46
Interactive Station kiosk IK-TFT46 with buttons for presenting timetables and other information. Available in two versions: based on a foundation or wall-mounted on platforms and in passageways at bus and train stations.
All elements coming from the IP packet network and provided by own software supporting the administration service and service supervision. They can also operate with the Central Dynamic Passenger Information System of PKP PLK using encrypted communication used to manage the state passenger within the Polish railway infrastructure.
Main features, tasks, and functionalities
- Displaying information about current and planned departure times of vehicles as well as messages based on data obtained from the central system. These include the current time, the number and name of the line, delays or the direction of travel
- Line routing display
- Broadcasting voice messages
- Displaying additional information sent from the traffic dispatcher
System components
Edge Display